"Blue Pearl" Romantic Mountain City - Chefchaouen, Morocco

By GreaterGo Editor
23 Dec 2022

"Blue Pearl" Romantic Mountain City - Chefchaouen, Morocco

Many people visit Morocco mainly for taking nice pictures in Chefchaouen, where buildings are blue-washed.

People hold different views regarding the reasons for the locals to paint the exterior of the houses blue. Some say that blue buildings can keep mosquitoes away. Some say that the Jews who escaped from the Nazis painted them blue because they think that blue symbolises the sky and Heaven. Some locals even say that they painted them blue in the 1970s just to attract tourists.

Besides enchanting blue houses, the market is also worth a visit. The market sells rare and unique handicrafts including wool jackets and hand-woven blankets. The dried goat cheese sold there is also popular among tourists.

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